Yurtlar Üniversiteler Harita Ücretsiz İlan Ver

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Psychology yakınında bulunan en iyi öğrenci yurtları ve konaklama imkanları aşağıda listelenmiştir.

450 Schoolhouse Road, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 15904, United States Pennsylvania - United States - 2912

Harita  Yakın Yurtlar

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Arts & humanities

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Business & economics

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Clinical, pre-clinical & health

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Computer science

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Education

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Engineering & technology

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Law

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Life sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Physical sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford - Social sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Arts & humanities

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Business & economics

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Education

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Law

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Life sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Physical sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg - Social sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Arts & humanities

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Business & economics

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Clinical, pre-clinical & health

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Education

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Engineering & technology

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Life sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Physical sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown - Social sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Arts & humanities

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Business & economics

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Clinical, pre-clinical & health

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Computer science

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Education

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Engineering & technology

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Law

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Life sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Physical sciences

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Psychology

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus - Social sciences

@procedure{ "id":"3","name":"Okullar as O", "property":["O.Logo Logo","O.Adi Adi","SC.SEOUrl SU"], "where":"O.Adi like N'University of Pittsburg%' and SC.LanguageID=1 and OT.OkulTurID=3", "relation":[ {"type":"join","name":"SEO as S","on":"S.OkulID=O.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"SEOCeviri as SC","on":"SC.SEOID=S.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"OkulunTuru as OT","on":"OT.OkulID=O.ID"} ], "orderby":[{"sort":"asc","property":"O.Adi"}] }@/procedure @forcode[3]{


@procedure{ "id":"4","name":"Okullar as O", "property":["O.Logo Logo","O.Adi Adi","SC.SEOUrl SU"], "where":"O.Adi like N'University of Pittsburg%' and SC.LanguageID=1 and OT.OkulTurID=4", "relation":[ {"type":"join","name":"SEO as S","on":"S.OkulID=O.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"SEOCeviri as SC","on":"SC.SEOID=S.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"OkulunTuru as OT","on":"OT.OkulID=O.ID"} ], "orderby":[{"sort":"asc","property":"O.Adi"}] }@/procedure @forcode[4]{


@procedure{ "id":"5","name":"Okullar as O", "property":["O.Logo Logo","O.Adi Adi","SC.SEOUrl SU"], "where":"O.Adi like N'University of Pittsburg%' and SC.LanguageID=1 and OT.OkulTurID=5", "relation":[ {"type":"join","name":"SEO as S","on":"S.OkulID=O.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"SEOCeviri as SC","on":"SC.SEOID=S.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"OkulunTuru as OT","on":"OT.OkulID=O.ID"} ], "orderby":[{"sort":"asc","property":"O.Adi"}] }@/procedure @forcode[5]{


@procedure{ "id":"6","name":"Okullar as O", "property":["O.Logo Logo","O.Adi Adi","SC.SEOUrl SU"], "where":"O.Adi like N'University of Pittsburg%' and SC.LanguageID=1 and OT.OkulTurID=6", "relation":[ {"type":"join","name":"SEO as S","on":"S.OkulID=O.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"SEOCeviri as SC","on":"SC.SEOID=S.ID"}, {"type":"join","name":"OkulunTuru as OT","on":"OT.OkulID=O.ID"} ], "orderby":[{"sort":"asc","property":"O.Adi"}] }@/procedure @forcode[6]{


Yakın Yurtlar
Yakın Üniversiteler
United States ili ilçeleri
@procedure{"id":"ilceler", "name":"TanimIlceler as I", "property":["lower(I.Adi) LAdi","I.Adi Adi"], "orderby":[{"sort":"asc","property":"I.Adi"}], "where":"I.SehirID = 883"}@/procedure @forcode[ilceler]{ @ilceler.Adi }[ilceler]@/forcode
@procedure{"id":"yorum","name":"Yorumlar as Y","limit":"5", "property":["Y.Yorum Yorum","U.AdSoyad AdSoyad","case when U.Gorsel is null then 'user-1.png' else U.Gorsel end Gorsel","Y.Tarih Tarih","SC.SEOUrl SU","SC.SEOTitle ST"], "where":"Y.Durumu = 1 and SC.LanguageID=1", "orderby":[{"sort":"desc","property":"Y.Tarih"}], "relation":[ {"type":"join","name":"Uyeler as U","on":"U.ID=Y.UyeID"}, {"type":"join","name":"SEO as S","on":"S.YurtID=Y.YurtID"}, {"type":"join","name":"SEOCeviri as SC","on":"SC.SEOID=S.ID"}, ] }@/procedure @forcode[yorum]{
@yorum.AdSoyad - @yorum.Tarih
